  The Chrome Horn - Racing With Jesus Ministries


by Rev. Don Rivers

   Freedom is a funny thing, each one of us wants it but we are not sure what it is. We want to be able to do anything we want whenever we want, but we still need something to hold our lives together. What is holding your life together? Are you truly free? Greetings in the name of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

   In racing having the freedom to race wherever and whenever we want is the great ideal. The fact of the matter is we need a little help. If we run down the list it starts with a car, we first have to have a car to race and unless you have your own machine and body shop, someone has to make the parts and someone has to build the car.

   Let’s say we get that far, now we need a place to race. We know they won’t let us do it on the street. I know some of us have tried along with everyone else who built a racecar, but the fact is they are not going to let thirty or forty of us go out and race around the block for 100 laps on Saturday night. What does it take for someone to provide a place for us to race? It takes more than we consider sometimes; facility, personnel, insurance, permits, safety workers.

   Now we have a car and a track but we need a reason to race, in comes the promoter. Someone has to create enough interest in our race for people to want to see it. The reason being, without the promotion there wouldn’t be any incentive, money, to race for. We would get pretty tired of racing just for fun.

   We also need rules, who is going to decide what is good and what it bad. In comes the Sanctioning body, someone who assumes responsibility for making the rules, making sure the cars conform and are safe, enforcing the rules, and that the race is run fairly

   I am sure I overlooked some things, but as you can see none of us are truly free to race where and when we want. Our ability to race is dependent on someone else providing the opportunity. There needs to be some give and take to continue to make the opportunity to race available for the future. I think we lose sight of what it takes to be able to race. We need to see the big picture and learn how to make it all work. Everything depends on all things being in place.

   This also has something to do with life, we are not independent, we are interdependent. Just like we need all the necessary elements to come together to race we need the same things to come together for us to truly live. Christ is like a sanctioning body and covered the risk of living for us. He provided the way for us to have a relationship with God. Listen to what he says in John 14:1-6;

John 14:1-6, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going."

Thomas said to him, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?"

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

   Jesus is the way we get to God. He provides that for us. Without His provision we would not have any hope. We have the freedom to choose His provision. When we do, we receive a special gift, the forgiveness of our sins. He erases the penalty for us making the wrong choice. He covers it.

   Jesus said in John 10:10 that the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come so that you might have life and have it abundantly.

   What that tells us is that if we choose to live our own way and not accept the provision that Christ made for us then we are bound by the one who steals, kills and destroys. The choice is ours.

   The forgiveness that Christ offers comes without a performance requirement, it is available to anyone, no matter what they have done. We soon learn though, that what pleases us changes when we accept Christ’s offer. We find ourselves being satisfied by things other than we thought. We start to see the true meaning of life and how to live it. That is because Christ provided us with additional help in learning to live, The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us to see things correctly. Listen to what Paul said about this Freedom;

1Corinthians 10:23-24, 31-33, "Everything is permissible"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"--but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God-- even as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.

   Paul helps us to understand that we are free to do anything, but not everything is beneficial to our lives. We need to be motivated to help others before we help ourselves. Basically we are free to do for others and God will take care of us. Our lives are full when we serve others without regard for what is in it for us.

   That concept is strange to us, most times we spend our life trying to look out for number one, us. We will not be truly free until we change that perspective. We will not experience the freedom that Christ offers until we trust in Him and let the Holy Spirit guide our actions. When that happens we are free, free from paying the price for our mistakes. As Jesus said in John’s Gospel, trust in God, trust also in me.


   NHMS WEEKEND - It was good to get back to the big track, I think most would say this is where they want to perform well. Maybe it is the size, maybe it is the large number of fans, but for whatever reason this is the place everyone wants to come to race.

   Dan and I were joined by Scott and Ricky this weekend along with our West Coast Coordinator, Gary Dionne. It is always good to have some dedicated folks to help spread out the work, thanks guys for making the weekend a success.

   It never ceases to amaze me how God works things out for His glory. If you missed our two chapel services, you missed a blessing. On both days we were blessed with having a performing artist come in and provide music at Chapel.

   On Friday Gary met the young lady who was singing the national anthem, they talked a bit and Gary shared about our chapel service. Turns out she is a Christian and asked if she could sing at chapel for us. She did and it was tremendous.

   I wondered what we would do for the modified chapel on Saturday. No need to wonder, God had a plan and it was good. When I walked into the garage to make sure everything was ready there was a performer there setting up his keyboard. He was there for the Nationwide Chapel service but would love to sing for ours also if we would like him to. Again it was a tremendous blessing that God provided for us.

   Sometimes you just have to honor God by going and He provides the blessings you need to be encouraged. Thanks go out to Tom and Carol Clifford for letting us stay with them. They are truly a blessing to this ministry.

   On Saturday we did have an injury that required a visit to the Hospital; one driver was transported for observation. He is fine, just needs some time to heal. It was good to spend some time with his wife and parents and be able to comfort them as they waited for the test results. God places us where we need to be.

   LIME ROCK PARK DOUBLE HEADER - This week we travel to Lime Rock Park with both series on the schedule, two weekends in a row and two divisions at each, this could be habit forming. I haven’t had the chance to see the Modifieds race the road course and I am looking forward to it. It will be interesting. Make plans to kick off your Forth of July Weekend by seeing what should be a memorable event; hope to see you there.

   Be a witness for our Lord with the ministry decals and apparel. See them at the Show Your Faith Apparel Store at www.rwjm.com. Send us your prayer and counseling needs no matter what part of our racing family you are in, or give us a call. Until next time, remember that God loves you, we love you and

Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing. GOD BLESS.

   Mail reaches us at Racing with Jesus Ministries, PO Box 586, Tolland, CT 06084.

   Check our weekly printed pages in "Area Auto Racing News", the East Coast’s largest weekly racing paper.

   See our on-line Apparel Store for subscription information.

   Check our home page www.rwjm.org for past articles.

   We invite you to input your thoughts as you sign our Guest Book.

   Please remember, we can only do what we do because of your prayerful financial support.

Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."

   May God always Bless you, everyday in everyway. Rev. Don



June 30
JAMES & JANAI WILSON- Daughter and son-in-law of Wall Chaplain Bob Menschner celebrate their day.

July 1
RENE & ELAINE LaLUMIERE- From Jefferson, NH, this former ACT LM driver and wife; faithful Ministry helpers, have their 21st anniversary.

July 3
THE REV. BILL & DAWN WAUGH- Pastor of the Greesburg, PA Church of the Brethren/ RWJM PA/Ohio Coordinator and Bedford Raceway RWJM Track Chaplain and very supportive wife share their 27th anniversary.
GEORGE & SANDRA MARTIN- This Wernersville, PA writer and wife have their 41st anniversary.

July 4
GARY & DEBBIE DIONNE- This RWJM West Coast Coordinator/former Dion Bros. Racing crewman and wife from NH, now in Acton, CA and a Hollywood stunt driver, share their 18th anniversary.

July 5
PAUL & FRANCES HINTON- The proprietor of New England Heirlooms; supplier of many beautiful auto racing trophies and plaques and much more in Norwich, CT and wife share their 8th.
RON & ARLEEN MILLER- These Susquehanna and Silver Spring fans from Camp Hill, PA have their 23rd anniversary.

July 6
JERRY & JEANNE MARTEL- These Lee/Star Speedways Late Model team onwers turn their 41st lap together.
PHIL AND JOANNE KURZE- Phil wants to say thank you to his lovely wife JoAnne for sticking with him through all the long hours and crazy travel schedule for 36 years. Phil is the face behind the Whelen sponsorship for the Modifies and the All-American Racing Series. Our prayer is that you two would have many more wonderful years together.


June 30
STERLING MARLIN- Columbia, TN Cup driver.
JEFF TROMBLEY- NY D.I.R.T. Modified driver.
JIMMY BEGOLO- D.I.R.T. Modified driver.
BOB PARK- East Northport, NY former NASCAR WMT driver and proud dad of driver Steve Park.
LYNDON AMICK- Batesburg, SC NASCAR NNS driver.
JOHN GRADY- "Turtle" is a Lebanon Valley Speedway based photographer.
BILL BRICE III- Husband of Janice and Familiar sight at NJ racetracks.
SKIP MATCZAK- Ellington, CT SuperModified team owner.
LISA GRAVEL- Wife of Groton, MA driver Gege.
JERRY SOLOMITO- Son of Riverhead Raceway driver Jerry and wife Linda.

July 1
JENNY CHILDRESS- Wife of K&N Pro Series Race Director Kip.
GREG ZYLA- Shamokin, PA Editor/writer.
CHRIS LOMASTRO- She is a Stafford Herb Bennett LM and Lebanon Valley Billy Decker Modified fan.
SALLY CAVALLERO- This Cup and Wall Township race fan, wife of Tom, mother of Emily, Bobby and Joey, daughter of Doris Bradley. Sally's brother-in-law Woody works for Ray Evernham in North Carolina.

July 2
RICHARD PETTY- Randleman, NC owner of RPM, all-time winningest Cup driver, a founding-father of ministry in auto racing.
JOHNNY LEACH- Lumbertown, NJ dirt Modified driver.
TOM FLINN- Former Star Speedway (NH) Chief Tech Inspector.
GARY NEGRI- Danbury, CT Cup/Mod fan.
SCOTT ROBERTSON- Goodyear tire tech and a pretty good bagpipe player.

July 3
JAMIE TOMAINO- Popular Howell, NJ NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour driver Team #99 and Racing with Jesus Ministries supporter.
JIMMY HORTON- Whitehouse Station, NJ top dirt Modified driver.
CHARLIE DONK- NY D.I.R.T. Modified driver.
DON TIRPAK- Mt. Arlington, NJ Street Stock and Micro Stock driver.
RON JACKS- NASCAR West Series driver of Las Vegas, NV.
LINDA GEER- Waterford Speedbowl former Office Manager.
RICH PAWLICH- Rocky Hill, CT Modified fan.

UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA- Our Great Nation Blessed by God turns lap 233.
BOB BARRON- Ontario, NY driver of the Spencer Speedway No. 28 asphalt Modified.
JOHN LOBO, JR.- CT based ProStock driver.

July 5
GIL TEGG, JR.- D.I.R.T. Modified driver.
MARK BURNS- NH SuperModified team owner.
ROB HODGKINS- Retired RWJM "Lieutenant," now a CT State Correctional Officer from Canterbury.
CHERYL MORGAN- Daughter of Betty Evans.

July 6
PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH- Former President of the Untied States of America.
EDDIE MacDONALD- From Rawley, MA, this KNPSE driving son of LEE USA Speedway owner Red and Judy Macdonald.
BOB POTTER- Still winning, Occum, CT multi-time Waterford Speedbowl, Thompson Speedway and Stafford Speedway Modified champion and Waterford's all-time winner.
GARY SMITH- Malahat, British Columbia NASCAR West driver.
RICK JOHNSON- Encinitas, CA LM driver.
MELISSA ROWE- The lovely wife of driver Ben.
SANDY URBINA- Wife of Riverhead Raceway driver Tony.
MEGHAN DILLNER- A daughter of racing TV Reporter Bobby and wife Meredith is 16.
TYLER EDMONDS- The son of WMT crewman Tommy Edmonds and wife Sue is 10.
CARITA TWINEM- Brookfield, Wisconsin fan. .


PO Box 586
Tolland, CT, 06084

TheChromeHorn RWJM Archives
Racing With Jesus Ministries Website


SourceRev Don Rivers / Racing With Jesus Ministries
Posted: July 2, 2010

©2010 GeeLaw Motorsports/Wolf Pack Ventures, Inc.