The Chrome Horn - Racing With Jesus Ministries



    Words have tremendous power. What we say can change the direction of someone’s life. Have you ever stopped to consider how what you are about to say will affect those who hear it? It would make a tremendous difference in the lives of others if we all stopped for a moment and thought about the words that are going to came out of our mouth. Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
    Whenever we race in a live television event the warning is given at the drivers meeting. Watch what you say in the interviews. Don’t make a fool of yourself or anyone else by saying something before you think. We all know it and we have the best intentions, but it happens anyway. I am sure you have heard it said, “put your mind in gear before you put your mouth in motion.”
    Why is it that such a little muscle as our tongue can get us in all kinds of trouble? We need to take a look at what we say and how we talk. We need to start changing the way we see things and start looking at things from a different perspective. Like anything we do, especially racing, practice will improve our chance of success. What we say is a reflection on what is in our heart. Listen to what Luke and James say.

    Luke 6, 43-45, "No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.

    James 3: 7- 12, All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man, but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.

    We cannot lie to ourselves and tell the world we are something we are not. Eventually the truth comes out. Usually we reveal it by what we say. I would challenge you to look at thing differently. Practice looking for the good in others. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Don’t think the worst try to think the best. When you start adjusting this view you will start responding differently to the situation. You will start being more caring and encouraging. Your heart will change and the words that come out of your mouth will reveal that.
    We need to be the optimists in this dark world. We need to be the ones looking for the good in all men and encouraging that. We need to show the love that Christ has for everyone, regardless of who or what they have done to us. Practice this week on changing your perspective. Try to see the good. Try to encourage others. I think if we all practice enough we could get good at it. You would be surprised what a few encouraging words could do to change someone’s day. God Bless, Rev. Don


    The night the lights went out in Riverhead. Well they just didn’t come on all the way. One of the light towers in turn two didn’t come up to full strength and the scramble was on to adjust some of the existing lights and add some additional ones to help illuminate the corner. As is usually the case the timing wasn’t the best, as the cars of the WMT were lined up ready to start engines the problem was noticed and the track crew set out to correct the situation. It took a little while and the track announcer was running low on things to talk about during the delay. The situation was remedied satisfactorily and the show went off without further delay.
    The lack of lighting brought back to mind a couple of other times the lights malfunctioned. One night at Waterford there was a mad scramble to find and fix the lights when they went on the blink. If I remember correctly it was a crew member on the #2 team who had a hand it getting things reconnected. Then there was the time at Thompson during a Busch East race that the lights just went out. The race was being run the cars were on the track running at full speed and just like that the track went dark. Again the situation was fixed and the race continued. I don’t remember a time when they were unable to continue because of darkness but I am sure it has happened once or twice and there are many stories out there.
    Greg Narducci made it back to the track at Riverhead. He had his left arm in a sling, his wife by his side and that smile on his face. He looked good and is progressing well. He still has some things to watch out for and someone needs to keep an eye on him for now but all in all he is doing great. It was good to see him back at the track.
    I also want to ask you to lift Debbie Moss up in your prayers. Her husband Steve passed away this week from a heart attack. She and her entire family have been through some difficult times this year. Please keep her in your prayers.
    The local contingent was strong again at Riverhead and proved once again that this is the hardest race on tour to make. It is always challenging to come here and master this quarter mile oval. I talked with some of the drivers who were seeing it for the first time and they were at a loss as to how to drive it. Some figured it out and some are still wondering.
    Donny Lia continued his hot streak and a little good fortune doesn’t hurt either. Donny was riding along in third and admitted that he didn’t have what he needed to get up front to challenge for the win. But when the frontrunners tangled, Mike Stefanik and Ted Christopher, one spun and one had a flat right front, Donny was left to inherit the lead for the green, white, checker Finish. The run of the night was turned in by Ronnie Silk who managed to figure things out and bring home a third place finish. Bill Park came home in second.
    Rev. Dan was representing RWJM at a softball tournament down in PA this weekend. The RWJM team made it to the semi-final before they were eliminated. Good job guys, thanks for representing us.
    Our Mid-west chaplain, Chuck McNeil was in Indy last weekend and sent this along.
    Brickyard 2007 was a busy time. Although it's a 'home' race for me, there was still a lot of driving back and forth between Indianapolis Motor Speedway (IMS) and O'Reilly Raceway Park (ORP, formerly IRP). I caught the Craftsman trucks on a wet Friday night, and got to meet up with a couple of familiar faces. BES regular Pierre Bourque was trying his hand the in the truck, and although his night ended too early, I am sure he got a lot of experience with these fast trucks. Also I spent a few minutes with Jamie Tomaino Jr., who crews for Bill Davis racing. We talked about his dad's racing this year and also about what the future holds for the Tomainos.
    The rain was in all day, and finally let up long enough to race. The attack helicopter fly-by was done in the dark, but still was very impressive - I'm sure that is how they like to operate anyway!
    That race in the books, it was off to IMS for a delayed qualifying and the Brickyard 400. IMS is a big place with over 400,000 in attendance, unless they missed a couple. Had a great time after the driver's meeting with the MRO Chapel being led with some local talent providing the praise music. I know it was a joyful noise in the F-1 Garage we were in, I suspect it carried out to the track too. It was good to meet a couple of other chaplains and we made plans for a get-together this fall, to compare notes and encourage each other.
    Local (one of several from Indiana ) favorite Tony Stewart put his name on the trophy a second time. At 36 he might have had second thoughts, but he got about 3/4 of a fence climb in, before better judgment prevailed. They celebrated down in Columbus . Smoke's first race sponsor there, Dairy Queen, served up free Home Depot orange ice cream for the victory.
    Thanks for the good word Chuck. This week finds the Whelen Modified Tour returning to Stafford Motor Speedway for its Summer Friday night race. Talking with Lisa Arute this is one of the most anticipated races of the summer and they look to have one of their biggest crowds of the year. We’ll be there and we hope you will join us also. Have a great week.
    Be a witness for our Lord with the ministry decals and apparel. See them at the Online Apparel Store at Call us with your prayer and counseling needs and list all your prayer needs, no matter what part of our racing family you are in, with the Racing Family Prayer Request Page also send your prayer request by mail. Until next time, remember that God loves you, we love you and

    Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing. GOD BLESS.

    Mail reaches us at Racing with Jesus Ministries, PO Box 586, Tolland, CT 06084. Check our weekly printed pages in "Area Auto Racing News", the East Coast’s largest weekly racing paper" See our on-line Apparel Store for subscription information. Check our home page for past articles. We invite you to input your thoughts as you sign our Guest Book. Please remember, we can only do what we do because of your prayerful financial support.

Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."

May God always Bless you, everyday in everyway. Rev. Don



August 10
- This Christian brother now Atlanta, GA commercial Direct TV dealer, Atlanta Antenna, transplanted from Brooklyn, NY tied the knot.

August 13
RON & GLORIA HANNA - This Amsterdam, NY Fonda Speedway fans have their 9th anniversary and were wed as an early birthday present for Ron who celebrates on the 19th.


August 8
- Concord, NC NNC/BGN/CTS driver.
LORIN ARTHOFER - Bath, PA Mahoning Valley Speedway based Modified driver and proud dad of driver Jason.
TOMMY ELLIS - Retired Richmond, VA BGN driver.
GREG TOMAINO - Brother of Howell, NJ popular NASCAR WMT driver and RWJM Rep.,Jamie Tomaino.
SAMANTHA HOWARD - A daughter of retired Waterford Speedbowl LM driver Tom and wife Carol.
JERRY TOMARCHIO - Former driver at East Windsor and Flemington.
BRIANNA PAGE - This quarter midget driver at the Garden State Quarter Midget Race Club at the Wall Township Speedway is 11.
MICHAEL DRANSFIELD - Another Garden State Quarter Midget racer is 17.

August 9
- Massachusetts Flamingo Racing NASCAR WMT crew memeber and former driver.
BRITTANY TOMAINO - Howell, NJ NASCAR WMT driver Jamie and wife Cheryl's daughter.

- Fort Washington, PA former NASCAR driver.
CHRIS URBAN- The grandson of Bob Pratt and grandson of Richie Pratt, Sr.
JOHN TEMCHAK - Canterbury, NH NHIS Victory Lane Staff Member.

August 11
- The "Master of Dirt Modifieds" from the 1950's through early 80's is now retired. God Bless, Frankie.
ED ZWICKEL - "Bubba" drives the late Model #1 at Riverhead Raceway and is said to have the best BBQ in town; at least in the pits.
KEN WALLACE - Dallas, PA SCCA driver.

August 12
- BARTO, PA dirt Modified driver.
JERRY YOUNG - Plainfield, CT LM driver.
RICHIE GALLUP - Agawam, MA Modified driver.
RON HUMES - Islip, NY Modified driver.
LONNIE RUSH, JR. - Pickerington, OH CTS driver.
SCOTT GAYLORD - Lakewood, CO NASCAR West driver.
LENNY CHANDLER - Windham, CT fan and friend of Jimmy Broderick.

August 13
- Griswold, CT former Modified championship owner and expert carpenter.
LINDA BRADY - The wife of Stoughton, MA legendary NASCAR WMT 00 owner, Joe Brady.
WILLIAM WOOD - Son of Tammy and Steve. Woody works for Ray Evernham, R & D Development. Tammy is the daughter of Doris Bradley, sister to Judy and Sally.

August 14
- St. Louis, MO retired NNC driver now ABC commentator.
LAURA DENNIS - Ocean, NJ long-time Jamie Tomaino NASCAR WMT fan.


LOGAN HOULIHAN - Sean Houlihan, TIS, SMS and BES flagger, and Maegan Taylor are the proud parents of Logan who made his first race at Thompson this week. This also makes popular WMT driver Dick Houlihan a grandpa.

*** IN THE SHOP ***

- Joe and Linda missed Riverhead this week as Linda needing to be hospitalized for some test. No word yet on the results but please keep her in your prayers.


STEVE MOSS - Husband of Debbie, longtime scorer for Eddie Flemke Jr., passed away suddenly last week from a heart attack. Please keep Debbie and her entire family in your thoughts and prayers. Cards of sympathy and condolence can be sent to Deborah Moss, 35 Benny Drive, Plantsville, Connecticut, 06479

PO BOX 586, Tolland, CT, 06084

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Source: Rev Don Rivers/Racing With Jesus Ministries
Posted:  August 9, 2007

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